Friday, August 7, 2009

Comment: game design vs game mechanics

This is a comment I posted on an old topic. There was a misunderstanding between the author of an article and some one who commented. I just felt like clearing it out, though it will probably never be read by either of these 2 people.

While I was writing this comment I defined my interpretation of the difference between game design and game mechanics.

Here's my comment :

I know this is old, but I still feel like making this comment clears something up. The comment by Christopher J. Rock saying it's strange to divide games in player input, story and game design is definitely right. Though, I think that's not what the author of this article meant.

"player input, story and game mechanics"

That would be a better word choice. I would describe a game design as the description of how a game works, which elements are in it, etc. That includes story and takes user input in account.

Game mechanics though are the rules of how a game work. In that light, story and user input only are the citizens following the rules.

The game is the country, which consists of citizens and rules. The design is the description of that country. The user input and story are citizens. The game mechanics are the rules. --- Note that this is my interpretation. But I think this is where a misunderstanding came to life.


Anonymous said...

As much articles as you read and comments you make, you've still yet to provide anything substantial.

I dislike your preachy attitude, you over analyze something simple and make it into a fiasco of useless metaphors.

I'm not a hater, but you should stick to blogging/reviewing things.

Janne Siera said...

"you've still yet to provide anything substantial"

What do you mean by this?

All I did, was giving my opinion. I just hope to provide something of value. I don't care if it is through commenting or through something else. I'm just looking for something I'm good at, so I know what I can do for the world. But it is for me do decide what that is.

"I dislike your preachy attitude, you over analyze something simple and make it into a fiasco of useless metaphors."

It was not my intention to sound preachy. If I re-read the comment I still don't feel it sounds preachy.

"I'm not a hater, but you should stick to blogging/reviewing things."

You're comments haven't convinced me, at all. Please don't tell other people what to do.

Like I said, it's something I have to decide for myself.

I hope you're not a hater ;-), but you do sound like one. Though it's the same as me sounding preachy. So decide what you want to do with it.